Base fare: $2.03
Cost per min: $0.21
Cost per mile: $1.73
Service fee: $3.95
Cancellation fee: $5
Base fare: $3.5
Cost per min: $0.3
Cost per mile: $2.76
Service fee: $3.65
Cancellation fee: $5
In Western Kansas, KS, there are 2 types of Lyft cars. Use our Lyft estimator to get the accurate pricing for Lyft rides in Western Kansas.
While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Western Kansas top attractions. Open the Lyft app and go enjoy Western Kansas.
Booking a Lyft car in Western Kansas, KS, US is easy! Just open the Lyft app on your phone, enter your pickup and drop-off locations, and select the type of ride you want. You can also check the fare estimate before confirming your booking, ensuring you know the approximate cost of your trip.
In Western Kansas, you can see iconic attractions like Monument Rocks and Boot Hill Museum. Driving around the area is enjoyable, with open roads and lovely views of the prairies. The peaceful environment and scenic landscapes make your journey even more pleasant as you explore the beauty of Western Kansas.