Lyft Estimate

Lyft rates in Toccoa


Base fare: $1.04
Cost per min: $0.12
Cost per mile: $0.78
Service fee: $3.35
Cancellation fee: $6

Base fare: $3
Cost per min: $0.3
Cost per mile: $1.9
Service fee: $3.55
Cancellation fee: $6

In Toccoa, GA including Elijay, Blue Ridge, there are 2 types of Lyft cars. Use our Lyft estimator to get the accurate pricing for Lyft rides in Toccoa.


While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Blue Ridge Mountains, Chattahoochee National Forest, Lake Burton. Open the Lyft app and go enjoy Toccoa.

Lyft in Toccoa, GA

To book a Lyft car in Toccoa, GA, simply download the Lyft app, create an account, and enter your location and destination. The app will provide you with the estimated fare for your trip, so you can easily check the cost before confirming your booking.

Exploring Toccoa

Toccoa, GA offers various iconic attractions such as Toccoa Falls, Currahee Mountain, and the Toccoa Train Depot. Driving around the city is comfortable and straightforward, with clear roads and scenic views. Whether you're exploring the natural beauty or visiting historical sites, Toccoa provides a pleasant and enjoyable driving experience.

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