Base fare: $0
Cost per min: $0.19
Cost per mile: $1.32
Service fee: $3.8
Cancellation fee: $5
Base fare: $0
Cost per min: $0.27
Cost per mile: $1.56
Service fee: $3.45
Cancellation fee: $5
In Lincoln, NE, there are 2 types of Lyft cars. Use our Lyft estimator to get the accurate pricing for Lyft rides in Lincoln.
While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Lincoln top attractions. Open the Lyft app and go enjoy Lincoln.
To book a Lyft car in Lincoln, NE, US, simply download the Lyft app on your smartphone. Open the app, enter your destination, and choose the type of car that best suits your needs. Once you confirm the booking, you'll be able to track the driver's arrival and pay through the app. You can also check Lyft fares in Lincoln before you book your ride to know how much it will cost.
When visiting Lincoln, you can see iconic attractions such as the beautiful state capitol building, the University of Nebraska campus, and the Haymarket District with its lively shops and restaurants. Driving around Lincoln is generally easy as traffic is relatively light in comparison to larger cities. The roads are well-maintained, and there are plenty of parking options available.