Lyft Estimate

Lyft rates in Flagstaff


Base fare: $0.92
Cost per min: $0.15
Cost per mile: $1.37
Service fee: $3.35
Cancellation fee: $5

Base fare: $1.55
Cost per min: $0.2
Cost per mile: $2
Service fee: $3.1
Cancellation fee: $5

In Flagstaff, AZ including Prescott, there are 2 types of Lyft cars. Use our Lyft estimator to get the accurate pricing for Lyft rides in Flagstaff.


While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Flagstaff top attractions. Open the Lyft app and go enjoy Flagstaff.

Lyft in Flagstaff, AZ

To book a Lyft car in Flagstaff, AZ, US, simply open the Lyft app on your phone. Enter your destination and choose your preferred ride option. The app will show you the estimated fare, so you know how much you will be charged for the ride.

Exploring Flagstaff

Flagstaff, AZ, US is home to many iconic attractions like the Grand Canyon and Meteor Crater. Driving around, you'll witness breathtaking views of mountains and forests. The roads are well-maintained, making it a smooth and enjoyable experience to explore these incredible landmarks.

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