Base fare: $0.67
Cost per min: $0.11
Cost per mile: $0.82
Service fee: $3.3
Cancellation fee: $5
Base fare: $2.1
Cost per min: $0.2
Cost per mile: $1.96
Service fee: $3.4
Cancellation fee: $5
In Fayetteville, NC, there are 2 types of Lyft cars. Use our Lyft estimator to get the accurate pricing for Lyft rides in Fayetteville.
While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Fayetteville top attractions. Open the Lyft app and go enjoy Fayetteville.
If you want to book a Lyft car in Fayetteville, NC, US, it's simple! Just open the Lyft app on your phone, enter your pick-up and drop-off locations, and choose the type of car you want. You can also check the fare estimate before confirming your ride, so you know how much it will cost.
Fayetteville has some iconic attractions to explore, like the beautiful Cape Fear Botanical Garden and the fascinating Airborne and Special Operations Museum. Driving around here is enjoyable, with well-maintained roads and plenty of parking spaces available. You'll have a great time exploring the city's iconic sights in the comfort of your Lyft car.