Lyft Estimate

Lyft rates in Bloomington


Base fare: $1.21
Cost per min: $0.16
Cost per mile: $0.81
Service fee: $3.15
Cancellation fee: $5

Base fare: $2.55
Cost per min: $0.26
Cost per mile: $1.36
Service fee: $3.35
Cancellation fee: $5

In Bloomington, IL including Normal, there are 2 types of Lyft cars. Use our Lyft estimator to get the accurate pricing for Lyft rides in Bloomington.


While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Bloomington top attractions. Open the Lyft app and go enjoy Bloomington.

Lyft in Bloomington, IL

To book a Lyft car in Bloomington, IL, simply open the Lyft app and enter your destination. The app will display the estimated fare and wait time for a driver to pick you up. You can also choose between different Lyft services, such as Lyft Standard or Lyft Plus, based on your needs and budget.

Exploring Bloomington

Driving around Bloomington, you can see iconic attractions like the historic McLean County Courthouse and the beautiful Miller Park Zoo. The city is known for its charming downtown area filled with unique shops and restaurants. The roads are well-maintained, making it easy to navigate and explore all that Bloomington has to offer.

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