Lyft Estimate

Lyft rates in Baltimore


Base fare: $1.18
Cost per min: $0.32
Cost per mile: $1.01
Service fee: $3.6
Cancellation fee: $7

Base fare: $1.75
Cost per min: $0.35
Cost per mile: $1.51
Service fee: $3
Cancellation fee: $7

Base fare: $2.28
Cost per min: $0.26
Cost per mile: $2.34
Service fee: $2.7
Cancellation fee: $7

Base fare: $7
Cost per min: $0.4
Cost per mile: $3.31
Service fee: $2.7
Cancellation fee: $10

Base fare: $14.75
Cost per min: $0.5
Cost per mile: $3.71
Service fee: $2.7
Cancellation fee: $10

In Baltimore, MD including Towson, there are 5 types of Lyft cars. Use our Lyft estimator to get the accurate pricing for Lyft rides in Baltimore.


While enjoying the cheap Lyft rides, we recommend you to visit Canton, Federal Hill, Hampden. Open the Lyft app and go enjoy Baltimore.

Lyft in Baltimore, MD

To book a Lyft car in Baltimore, MD, simply open the Lyft app on your phone and enter your pick-up and drop-off locations. The app will then show the estimated Lyft fares for your ride, so you can know how much it will cost before booking.

Exploring Baltimore

Baltimore is known for its iconic attractions, such as the Inner Harbor, National Aquarium, and Baltimore Museum of Art. While driving around, you can enjoy the beautiful historic architecture and charming neighborhoods like Fells Point. However, be prepared for traffic and limited parking options, so using a Lyft car may be more convenient to explore the city.

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